This event is open to all Palm Springs High Alumni and guests...
San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers Saturday, June 30, 2001 Tailgate starts at 3:00pm First Pitch 7:00pm Ticket price $16.00 (these aint the cheep seats, you know) All checks and registration needs to be to Dean by June 20th! All tailgate food will be supplied, just bring your choice of refreshment
Its Baseball Night in San Diego and its Cap Night so seats will sell really really fast. RSVP as soon a possible so I can get a ticket count Send your money yesterday! Click here for a printable registration form you can stick on your fridge (you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed though) Send your ticket requests to: Dean Lockwood PO Box 851 Palm Springs, CA 92263 760-218-0018